Green Thinking
Mushrooms have a great environmental story in utilising waste material. They are grown on compost made from surplus farming products (straw and manure) which, once the mushroom crop has finished, is returned to the land as a soil conditioner.
Walsh Custom Compost in Ireland is spending €4m on reducing its environmental impact.
Walsh Mushrooms own farms have moved to wood chip for heating to be more cost effective and reduce Co2 and carbon cost of their farms. (Suffolk annual reduction in Co2 emissions by 667 tonnes p.a. and carbon by 182 tonnes)
Suffolk Mushrooms:
- Updated cooling system reduces the electricity requirement by 48%, saving 356 tonnes of carbon p.a.
- Awarded Gold status by the Suffolk County Council Carbon Charter Project. No other business in Suffolk has been awarded this status from the outset.
Evesham’s packing facility:
- Extensive work on recycling, including paper, plastic and card.
- Invested in Solar Energy at Evesham to provide 30% of the requirement and reduce Co2 by over 157 tonnes p.a.
- LED lighting installed at Evesham reducing energy demand by 60%
- Wychavon District Council 2016 Intelligently Green Award

Research for using spent compost as a heat source.
Suffolk Mushrooms has been awarded Gold status by the Suffolk County Council Carbon Charter Project. No other business in Suffolk has been awarded this status from the outset.
Evesham’s packing facility has done extensive work on recycling, including paper, plastic and card.
Walsh Custom Compost in Ireland is spending €4m on reducing its environmental impact.
Invested in Solar Energy at Evesham to provide 30% of the requirement and reduce Co2 by over 157 tonnes p.a.
LED lighting installed at Evesham reducing energy demand by 60%
Wychavon District Council 2016 Intelligently Green Award
Volunteered assistance for the HDC Peat Alternative by 2030 Project for the Mushroom Industry.